Electrical power outlets - if equipped – Dodge 2009 Caravan User Manual
Page 208
Ignition OFF Operation
The power sunroof switch will remain active for 10 min-
utes after the ignition switch is turned OFF. Opening
either front door will cancel this feature.
Auto-Express with Anti–Pinch Protection
During express closing, anytime an obstacle that restricts
glass movement is detected, the motor will stop and
reverse travel to avoid pinching the object.
Auto Express will stop and reverse travel up to three
times in succession. After the third time, Auto Express
will enter a manual operation mode. This allows the
operator to manually control the power switch, in order
to close or open the sunroof in case of a malfunction.
Wind Buffeting
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of
pressure on the ears or a helicopter-type sound in the
ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with the
windows down, or the sunroof (if equipped) in certain
open or partially open positions. This is a normal occur-
rence and can be minimized. If the buffeting occurs with
the rear windows open, open the front and rear windows
together to minimize the buffeting. If the buffeting occurs
with the sunroof open, adjust the sunroof opening to
minimize the buffeting or open any window.
Sunroof Maintenance
Use only a nonabrasive cleaner and a soft cloth to clean
the glass panel.
Two 12-Volt power outlets are located on the lower
instrument panel next to the open storage bin. The upper
outlet is controlled by the ignition switch and the lower
outlet is connected directly to the battery. The upper
outlet will also operate a conventional cigar lighter unit
(if equipped with an optional Smoker’s Package).