Dodge 2013 Charger User Manual

Page 416

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gear, while using (+) to enter AutoStick

௡ mode will retain

the current gear. When AutoStick

௡ is active, the current

transmission gear is displayed in the instrument cluster.
In AutoStick

௡ mode, the transmission will only shift up

or down when (+/-) is manually selected by the driver,
unless an engine lugging or overspeed condition would
result. It will remain in the selected gear until another
upshift or downshift is chosen, except as described

• If AutoStick௡ is engaged while in DRIVE mode, the

transmission will automatically shift up when maxi-
mum engine speed is reached. If the accelerator is fully
pressed, the transmission will downshift when pos-
sible (based on current vehicle speed and gear). Lack
of accelerator pedal activity will cause the transmis-
sion to revert to automatic operation.

• If AutoStick௡ is engaged while in SPORT mode,

manual gear selection will be maintained until either

SPORT mode is exited or as described below. The
transmission will not upshift automatically at redline
in this mode, nor will downshifts be obtained if the
accelerator pedal is pressed to the floor.

• In either DRIVE or SPORT mode, the transmission will

automatically downshift as the vehicle slows to a stop
(to prevent engine lugging) and will display the cur-
rent gear. Tapping the (+) paddle (at a stop) will allow
starting in second gear. After a stop, the driver should
manually upshift (+) the transmission as the vehicle

To disengage AutoStick

௡ mode, press and hold the (+)

shift paddle until “D” or “S” is once again displayed in
the instrument cluster. You can shift in or out of the

௡ mode at any time without taking your foot off

the accelerator pedal.