Dodge 2013 Charger User Manual
Page 183
• You can replace “John Smith” with any name in your
mobile or favorite phone book. You can also say “Send
a message to John Smith” and the system will ask you
which phone number you want to send a message to
for John Smith.
• You can replace “Mobile” with “Home”, “Work” or
• You can replace “Incoming Calls” with “Outgoing
Calls” or “Missed Calls”.
• You can replace “248 555 1212” with any phone
number supported by your Mobile phone.
• These commands can be used during a phone call after
pushing the Uconnect
Voice Command button on the
steering wheel. Please note the call will be muted
while the VR session is active.
• Send dial tones for automated systems is available
while a call is active. This is an example that uses a
Phonebook Record named “Voicemail Password.”
• Storing Dial tones in contact names is possible but only
the first number encountered in a contact name will be
sent. For example if there is a number stored in the
Home and Work numbers for the contact “Voicemail
password” only the Home number will be sent
• If your phone does not support phonebook download
or call log download over Bluetooth than these com-
mands will return a response that the contact does not
exist in the phonebook.
• Emergency and Towing assistance are contacts that have
been pre-loaded in the phonebooks. Commands such as
“Call Emergency” and “Call Towing Assistance” will call
the corresponding number stored with those contacts.
Available Voice Commands are shown in bold
face and underlined in the gray shaded boxes.