Defibtech DDU-100 Series User Manual
Page 43

5.4 Cleaning
Periodically clean the DDU-100 AED of any dirt or contaminants on the case and connector socket.
The following are important guidelines to be adhered to when cleaning the device:
• The battery pack should be installed when cleaning the DDU-100.
• Do not immerse the DDU-100 in fluids or allow fluids to enter the unit. Use a soft cloth to
wipe the case clean.
• Do not use abrasive materials or strong solvents such as acetone or acetone based cleaning
agents. The following cleaning agents are recommended for cleaning the DDU-100 case and
the connector socket:
» Soapy
» Ammonia based cleaners
» Hydrogen
» Isopropyl alcohol (70 percent solution)
» Chlorine bleach (30 ml / liter water)
• Ensure that the connector socket is completely dry before reinstalling the pads cable. After
cleaning the device and before returning it to service, always turn the unit on for a few
seconds, which will cause the unit to run a standard Power-On Self-Test.
5.5 Storage
The DDU-100 AED should be placed in a readily accessible location in an orientation where the
Active Status Indicator in the upper corner of the unit can be easily seen. In general, the unit should
be stored in clean, dry and moderate temperature conditions. Make sure that the environmental
conditions of the storage location are within the ranges detailed in the “Environmental” section.