Unbalanced connections – Dangerous Music 2-Bus LT User Manual
Page 7

Unbalanced Connections
Unbalanced lines are usually treated the same as balanced because the 2Bus LT will let
the signal through while isolating the equipment grounds. If a buzz develops in the
speakers when the input cable is connected to LT but goes away when the input cable is
unplugged, that means the source equipment needs a ground reference from the LT.
The way to do this is to close the ‘input shield lift’ jumper, located on the main audio
board where the input wires connect. These tactics rarely need to be performed but if they
do, please work on a well lighted table or workbench. We always clean off enough space
to have plenty of room so as to not lose screws and tools. Using a cloth or other pad
underneath the equipment will prevent scratches and damage both to the gear and to the
table. There are also input shield lift jumpers for the Expansion inputs.
If one is uncomfortable with opening gear and changing jumpers or making
adjustments, please seek qualified help if necessary.
If adjustments or jumper changes are required, please disconnect the mains plug
before opening the top.