Full 5-year warranty, Please retain this warranty information – Bose Acoustimass AM-5 User Manual
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Full 5-Year Warranty
Bose- Corporation .varranis ihi$ um lo De tree irom defects m mate
rials ar>d workmanship lor a Kriod ol live years from the angina)
dae of purchase Ourir>g tha period. Bose will remedy an such
■ '^cis without charge lor parisor satw. upon return ol the unii
•iher with Ihe original sales receipt, or other proof of purchase, to
Bose, or to an authonaed Bose Service Agere/ ihis wa/rartty does
not extend to damage resulting from improper inslaltaiiort. misuse,
neglect or aouse. ihis-wairaniy is lull/tiansierabie.
in no event shall Bose be liable (or incidental or consequen
tial damages.
This warranty gives you specific legal ngnis. and you may also have
other nghls which vary Irom stale to stae. Some states do nol allow
Ihe exclusion or tvniiation ol mcrdeniai or consequential damages,
so №ts limilaiicn may not apply to you.
Should tNs urM lad wiihm the warranty period, contact >our author-
>Kd Bose dealer nns dealer wi tell you which ore of the lollowing
procedures you shouto (oiKiw:
1. Return unitwth pmol ol purchase to dealer. OB
2. Return uniiwdh prooioi purchase to the nearest authoriaed Bose
Sep/ice Agency. OR
3 Return unit wth prool ol purchase direcify to the Bose laciory
It Procedure 3 aberre is taken, pleasefcttow the instructions below:
1 Call Ihe Bose Customer Service Oep^ment at (SOS) 366-9096.
and ask to oe assigned a return authorization number.
2. ^ck Ihe unit n the original carton lor shippirvg. If you need a
new carton, your dealer or Bose Corporakon will provide a free
repiacemenl. Note: Any damage m uanst due to improper pack
ing is rwi covered by the warranty, and will noi be recognized as
an Htsurance claim by Iransportabon companies.
3. Aodress and sh
. fragm prepaid, to BoseCorpoialion. Customer
Service Oepartmem, 76 lijrnpke Rd.. wesitxKo. MA 0i S6i.
on Ihe ouis4eo( Ihe carton \bur unit will be repaireo and relumed to you ai Bose's expense ll £ose to do so. ^u may elect to receive a refund or a reptacemem. Jonty if the unii is returned lo Bose Iree atvd clear of al kens and ether erKumOrances United Stales ol America. sales al overseas mdiiary post exchanges For mtormation regarding warranty coverage in other amas, consud ihe Bose subsidiary or Please retain this Warranty Information. Record your serial numbers and purchase mtormalion on Ihis card and retain it m >our records along with proof-ol purchase. Speaker Model Date Purchased Se^-al N-jmber icn Acousumass MocJe: Dealer Name Dealer Acoress
the delects cannoi be repaired after a reasonaOie number ol attempts
The loregoing warranty applies only lo products solo wtihm the
authorized deafer nearest you.