Warning, Unpacking – Uniden BEARCAT UBC100XLT User Manual

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Welcome co rhe exciting wortd of hand held 'adic icanners, State-of-the-Anr







dependaPfiity whiie minimtzing size and power consumcticn. The xeyccara
adcws you to program any VHP or UHF freouency on all ICG channels: and to
control Scan. Lcc.kcut, PrionPy, Delay, Hold, Weat.her Searc.h and Channel Sank

selection a s well as the prccrammadle search functjons. Tre'-e is also a key oca rc
lock function to pre'/ent accidental -eprog ramming of the unit. An LCD disc (ay

provides frequency 3fnd cperancn informaticn. 'i'he.''e is a Puiit-m light 'cr .nignc

time use. The detac.haple .NiCad Patten/ pack provides hours of mcn/ccnrc and
recharges cverntght. The case is designed to withstand thetcugn reouirementscf
the hand heid environment, and is Duilt of hign imcact .-^ aS clastic, “hers is aisc a
leather case [included) tc ■urtrer Drctec: th/s scanner .^lease 'eac this guide
thrcughly cefore atte.mcting to ope.i'ate the ^r.'t.


Uniden dees not -ecresent this .^nit tc oe waterprooied To 'educe t.’^e "isx cf
fire, electrical shock or damage,do not e.xocse this unit to mm or moisture.

IVote; The use of a scanner : n a venicie may Pe .'eguiated or prcnicited m some

countries. Creek with /cur local authcncies cerore cpemting a mcciie scanner


Carefully remove all items from the snicoing carton, if there .sanyvisipie damage

or any item apGears tc Pe missing, .nctiiy your dealer immediately.

The foiicwing items are mc.’uced with /cur CBC ICCXLT.

' Bearcat Scanner
' AC Adaptcr/Charce.r

' Fie.xiPle Antenna

' Carrying Case

" Carphone


' Cce.ratina Guide

P'ease keep the shipping carton, anc packing materials,

e.tcsilent method to transport the scanner.

SIS carton sgri/es as an


When vcur unit has rot Peen used ‘or a icrcer period :f time, it can rail tc

operate at first power jp. P'ease tp/ tc reset the power switch again ^nd ,ee

that it operates perfectiyi