Bose 601 Series III User Manual

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A fuse kit containing fuses arxl hoklers is availabfe

from the Bose^ Customer Service Oepartnwnt. 78
Turnpike Road. Weslborough. MA 01 $81 *9168 for
$7.50. Ask for Pan Number 108938-2.

B. Room Acoustics

Where you place your 601 speakers in your room is

important for getting the best sound. There is no

one required placement position: rather, it is impor­

tant to know that ptacement does affect sound.

Your 601 system works best when sound energy is
allowed to develop “around" the speakers, reltoct-
ingoff nearby wailsandfloormg. We recommend
that you experiment with various locations and
put the speakers where they sound bea to you

before determining final ptacement. The follow-

irtg tips will help you maximize the sound of your
601 speakers.


. Hard materials such as wood, brick, glass,

sheelrock. and/or heavy paneling generally
provide Uie most effective sound reflecting

2. Rooms with a lot of sound absorbing furnishings

(stuffed furniture, wall-to-wall carpets, heavy
drapes, etc.) may reduce the treble sound of
your system, making it sound dull. This treble
can be restored by removing some of the
absorbent furnishings from the immediate
vicinity of the speakers.

3- Rooms with few sound absorbing furnishings,

especially those with bare floors and walls, may

sound overly ^riltor "bright." Adding sound
absorbers such as thrcKv rugs or drapes will

usually solve this problem. For best results,
scatter these furnishings evenly around Ihe
listening area.

4. If your music seems to lack bass, try moving

the speakers a little doser to the rear wall and/or
the comers of the room. Excess bass can be

reduced by moving the speakers away irom cor­
ners and v/alls. The closer the speakers are to
the intersection of the room boundaries (such as
the corner, where two walls intersect each other
and the floor), the more bass they will produce.

By keeping this in mind, you can tune your sys­

tem to your listening environment.

5. Many acoustical problems can be solved by the

judicious use of your receiver or amplifier's tone
controls. Experiment wilfi different sellings to
achieve a frequency balance that suits the

acoustics of your listening room. Remember,
though, tfiat the use of these controls may

pul greater power demands on your receiver

or amplifier. Excessive use of tone control

can cause a receiver or amplifier to run out
of power and distort, potentially damaging

your entire system.

C- Matnlenar>ce

The finish on your 601 speakers is a genuine hard­
wood veneer with a walnut finish. As with any other

piece of fine furniture, only a high quality furniture
polish should be used on the cabinets. Soap,

water, or any household cleaners should be

The 601 speaker has an acoustically transparent
grille assembly attached to the enclosure with
snap-type fasteners. The grilles may be removed
and carefully vacuumed if necessary. Remove
and replace grilles carefully to avoid damag­

ing front tweeters. To remove the grille assemWy.

gently pry the bottom section away from the cabi­

net with your fingers. Then lift the top section off the

cabinet. To replace the grille, reverse this proce­

dure. Do not use sharp objects to pry off the

grille as this might damage both the grille and
the enclosure.

CAUTION: Avoid placing objects on, or spilling

liquids into your 601 speakers. This type of dam­

age will NOT be covered under warranty.

VII. In Case You Have a Problem

H you experience any difficulty with your 601 system,
try the following sim^e test procedures first to deter­

mine if the speakers are at fault. The majority of audio

problems generally occur in components other than


A. If one speaker sounds defective (does not pfay

or plays distorted sound) shut the receiver

or amplifier off. Disconnect both wires at the
receiver or amplifier’s output. Reconnect the
defective speaker to the receiver or amplifier ter­

minals that had been connected to the “good”
speaker. If the “defective" speaker now sounds
correct, the problem Is not with the speaker. Do

not connect the normal sounding speaker

to a possibly defective receiver or amplifier

channel under any circumstances. Make
sure you check all wiring for loose conneclions

and/or shorts.

If both speakers sound defective, connect them to

another receiver or amplifier that is working prop­
erly. If the speakers now operate correctly, the

proWem is not in the speakers.

If trouWe persists in one or both speakers, contact

your authorized Bose dealer. He will verify any

defects and arrange for service by an authorized
service agency or by the Bose factory. Bose

Corporation will make every effort to remedy any

problem within the terms of the warranty at mini­

mum inconvenience to you.