Cooking, To minimise oven soilage, Cleaning – Kenwood SC102/2WH User Manual

Page 16: Cooking to minimise oven soilage

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time, together with polishing of the surface
finish by the oven shelves but this will not

effect the cleaning properties of the panels.

In order to ensure that the liners retain their
‘Stay-Clean’ properties and give years of

excellent service, it may be worthwhile

understanding the following points;-


To minimise oven soilage

1. Cook at the recommended temper­





roasting will Increase soilage. Try cooking

at lower temperatures for an increased

length of time, you will save energy and

often the joint is more tender.
2. Use minimal. If any, extra cooking oil or
fat when roasting meat; potatoes only

require brushing with fat before cooking.
Extra fat in the oven during roasting will
increase splashing and soilage.

3. It Is not necessary to add water to the

meat tin when roasting. The water and the

fat juices from the joint create excessive

splattering during cooking - even at normal

temperatures as well as causing con­

4. Covering joints during cooking will also

prevent splashings onto the Interior panels;
removing the covering for the last 20-30
minutes will allow extra browning if

required. Some large joints and turkeys

especially will benefit by this method of
cooking, allowing the joint to cook through

before the outside is over-browned.

5. Use the trivet in the roasting tin. During

roasting, the fat from the joint will be

contained beneath the trivet and therefore

prevent it from splattering onto the ‘Stay-

Clean’ liners.


1. The linings will clean themselves during

normal roasting and baking. It is important

to ensure that a build up of soilage does not
occur as excessive soilage can prevent the

‘Stay-Clean’ properties of the catalytic

enamel from working.
2. After roasting, always check the ‘Stay-
Clean’ liners for soilage. If baking between

roasts, this will assist in the cleaning of the

3. As cleaning is improved by exposure to
a higher temperature, it may be necessary
to run the oven at 240°C for an hour or two

per week or after each roast.

4. The panels which are directly next to the
oven elements reach higher temperatures
and clean more readily. It may be

necessary to expose the roof r back panel

to a radiant grill element to assist in burning
off excessive soilage. This is not normally

necessary but is worth remembering if


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