Specifications, Culligan medallist series, Water conditioners with timeclock or soft-minder – Culligan Automatic Water Conditioner User Manual
Page 4: Meter

Culligan Medallist Series
Water Conditioners with Timeclock or Soft-Minder
Medallist Plus
8” Model
30 Model
45 Model
60 Model
Control Valve Type
3/4” 5-cycle Reinforced 1” 5-cycle Reinforced 1” 5-cycle Reinforced 1” 5-cycle Reinforced
Overall Conditioner Height
51 in.
49 in.
63 in.
61 in.
1,295 mm
1,245 mm
1,600 mm
1549 mm
Media Tank Dimensions
8 x 44 in.
10 x 40 in.
10 x 54 in.
12 x 52 in.
(Dia. x Ht.)
203 x 1,118 mm
254 x 1,016 mm
254 x 1,372 mm
305 x 1,321 mm
Salt Storage Tank Dimensions
18 x 43 in.
18 x 43 in.
18 x 43 in.
18 x 43 in.
(Dia. x Ht.)
457 x 1,092 mm
457 x 1,092 mm
457 x 1,092 mm
457 x 1,092 mm
Exchange Media, Type & Quantity Cullex
Media, 0.7 ft
Cullex Media, 1.0 ft
Cullex Media, 1.5 ft
Cullex Media, 2.0 ft
Underbedding, Type & Quantity
Cullsan Underbedding, Cullsan Underbedding, Cullsan Underbedding,
6 lb.
15 lb.
15 lb.
16 lb.
Exchange Capacity @ Salt
18,300 gr @ 4 lb.
18,200 gr @ 4 lb.
28,900 gr @ 6 lb.
32,600 gr @ 7 lb.
Dosage Per Recharge
25,100 gr @ 9 lb.
27,600 gr @ 8 lb.
38,900 gr @ 12 lb.
61,600 gr @ 18 lb.
27,500 gr @ 12 lb.
32,000 gr @ 12 lb.
46,800 gr @ 18 lb.
71,700 gr @ 30 lb.
Efficiency at Rated Salt Dosage
4 lb. salt dosage:
4 lb. salt dosage
6 lb. salt dosage
7 lb. salt dosage
4570 gr./lb.
4550 gr./lb.
4814 gr./lb.
4664 gr./lb.
Freeboard to Media
20.5 - 21.5 in.
13 in.
15 in.
16 in.
Freeboard to Underbedding
42.0 - 42.5 in.
35 in.
48 in.
46 in.
Salt Storage Capacity
250 lb. or 375 lb.
250 lb. or 375 lb.
375 lb.
375 lb.
Rated Service Flow @ Pressure Drop
5.9 gpm @ 12 psi
9.0 gpm @ 12 psi
9.6 gpm @ 15 psi
10.0 gpm @ 14 psi
Total Hardness, Maximum
75 gpg
75 gpg
99 gpg
99 gpg
Total Iron, Maximum (dissolved)
5 ppm
5 ppm
5 ppm
5 ppm
Hardness to Iron Ratio, Minimum
8 gpg to 1 ppm
8 gpg to 1 ppm
8 gpg to 1 ppm
8 gpg to 1 ppm
140 mg/L to 1 mg/L 140 mg/L to 1 mg/L 140 mg/L to 1 mg/L 140 mg/L to 1 mg/L
Operating Pressure
20 - 125 psi
20 - 125 psi
20 - 125 psi
20 - 125 psi
140 - 860 kPa
140 - 860 kPa
140 - 860 kPa
140 - 860 kPa
Operating Pressure (Canada)
20 - 90 psi
20 - 90 psi
20 - 90 psi
20 - 90 psi
140 - 620 kPa
140 - 620 kPa
140 - 620 kPa
140 - 620 kPa
Operating Temperature
33 - 120°F
33 - 120°F
33 - 120°F
33 - 120°F
1 - 50°C
1 - 50°C
1 - 50°C
1 - 50°C
Electrical Requirements
24V/60 Hz
24V/60 Hz
24V/60 Hz
24V/60 Hz
Electrical Power Consumption,
3 Watts/35 Watts
3 Watts/35 Watts
3 Watts/35 Watts
3 Watts/35 Watts
Drain Flow, Maximum4
1.1 gpm
1.7 gpm
1.6 gpm
2.6 gpm
Recharge Time, Average
85 min.
64 min.
64 min.
52 min.
Recharge Water Consumption
23.3 gal.
36 gal.
46 gal.
51 gal.
1 Capacities and corresponding salt dosages pertain to low hardness waters. Capacities given per recharge
2 Measured from top of media to top of inlet fitting (backwashed and drained) for 8” tanks. Measured from top of media to top sur-
face of tank threads for 10” and 12” tanks.
3 Measured from top of underbedding to top of inlet fitting for 8” tanks. Measured from top of media to top surface of tank threads
for 10” and 12” tanks.
4 Backwash at 120 psi (830 kPa)
5 Efficiency rating only valid at stated salt dosage on softminder models and is efficiency rated according to NSF/ANSI Standard 44