Performance data sheet – Culligan Automatic Water Conditioner User Manual
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Culligan knows the more informed you are about your water treatment systems, the more confident you will be
about its performance. It’s because of this and more than sixty years of commitment to customer satisfaction
that Culligan is providing this Performance Data Sheet to its customers.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read this Performance Data Sheet and compare the capabilities of this unit with your
actual water treatment needs. It is recommended that before purchasing a water treatment unit, you have your
water supply tested to determine your actual water treatment needs.
Culligan International Company,
One Culligan Parkway, Northbrook, IL 60062-6209 USA • (847) 205-6000
Culligan Medallist Plus Series
60 Water Softener with Time Clock
Flow Rate:
10.0 gpm
32,600 grains @ 7.0 lb. salt
30 - 40 psi
61,600 grains @ 18.0 lb. salt
71,700 grains @ 30.0 lb. salt
68° (20°C)
Maximum Flow Rate:
10.0 gpm (38 Lpm)
Pressure Drop at Maximum Flow Rate:
14 psi (97 kPa)
Operating Temperature Range:
33 - 120°F (1 - 50°C)
Maximum Drain Flow Rate:
2.6 gpm (9.8 Lpm)
Operating Pressure Range:
20 - 125 psi (140 - 860 kPa)
Operating Pressure Range (Canada):
20 - 90 psi (140 - 620 kPa)
The Culligan Medallist Series Water Softeners are tested and certified by WQA and UL against NSF/ANSI
Standard 44 for the effective reduction of calcium and magnesium (hardness).
Refer to the Specifications, Familiarization and Warranty section of this Owner’s Guide for more specific
product information. To avoid contamination from improper handling and installation, your system should
only be installed and serviced by your Culligan Man. Performance will vary based on local water conditions.
The substances reduced by this system are not necessarily in your water.
Culligan water softeners are designed to work with any salt of good quality, although it is recommended that
you ask your local Culligan Man for his suggestion on the best type and grade of salt to use in this softener.
NOTICE: This softener is not intended to be used for treating water that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
Performance Data Sheet
Buyer Signature _____________________________________________ Date __________
Seller Signature _____________________________________________ Date __________
Water Softener