Carl Goldberg GPMA1959 Sophisticated Lady Glider ARF User Manual
Page 16

as the plane nears the ground. The Sophisticated Lady ARF
will continue to fl y just a few inches off of the ground for a
surprisingly long distance. It is important you don’t “over control”
the model. Make any control inputs slowly and smoothly rather
than moving the transmitter sticks abruptly.
A hi-start is the most popular way to launch your Sophisticated
Lady ARF. It consists of 25'–100' [7.6 – 30.5m] of rubber tubing
and 200'– 400' [61–121.9 m] of string with a parachute or
streamer at the end. One end of the rubber is staked down
directly upwind of the launch point. One end of the string is
attached to the other end of the rubber tubing and the end of
the string with the parachute has a loop or ring and is attached
to the tow hook on the sailplane.
Follow the directions that came with the hi-start and lay it
out directly into the wind. Place the stake at the far
edge of the fl ying fi eld so the parachute will blow back onto
the fl ying fi eld.
Switch on your transmitter and then the receiver and hook
the parachute onto the plane’s tow hook. Pull the sailplane
back approximately twice as far as the rubber tubing is long
(i.e., 100' [30.5m] of rubber tubing = 200' [61m] of pull back)
or whatever the hi-start instructions state. A “fi sh scale” is
handy for determining the correct amount of pull. For your fi rst
fl ights pull the plane back until there is approximately 8 lbs. of
tension. More tension can be used after you get acquainted
with the launching procedure.
Hold the plane above your head with the wings level and the
nose pointed slightly up and directly into the wind. Give the
plane a healthy push forward to get it fl ying and it will climb
up like a kite. You should not have to touch the elevator during
the launch but use the rudder to keep it going straight up. As
the rubber tubing relaxes the plane will fl y off the hi-start and
the parachute will bring the end of the string back towards
you. If it does not come off the high start, apply down elevator
to dip the nose of the sailplane down. The ring should then
come off the tow hook.
Find a BIG, OPEN fi eld for your fi rst fl ights - the bigger the
better as you won’t have to worry about where you need to
land. Ground based objects (trees, poles, buildings, etc.) seem
to attract model airplanes like a magnet.
Again, we would
like to recommend that you fi nd an experienced pilot to
help you with these fi rst fl ights.
Note: You need to remember that your radio control
responds as if you are sitting in the cockpit of the sailplane.
When you push the transmitter stick to the right, the
rudder moves to the plane’s right! This means that when
the plane is fl ying towards you it may seem like the rudder
controls are reversed (when you give “right” rudder the
plane turns to your left – which is the plane’s “right”).
It is
sometimes easier to learn to fl y the plane if you always face
your body in the direction the plane is fl ying and look over
your shoulder to watch the model.
Don’t worry about accomplishing very much on your fi rst
fl ights. Use these fl ights to get the “feel” of the controls and the
Sophisticated Lady ARF’s fl ying characteristics. Try to keep the
plane upwind and just perform some gentle “S-turns” (always
turning into the wind) until it is time to set up for landing. Have
a helper adjust the trims on your transmitter, a little at a time,
until the plane will fl y straight and level with the transmitter
sticks in their neutral positions. When it is time to land, just
continue performing the gentle “S-turns” upwind and let the
plane glide onto the ground. Don’t worry about where the
plane lands – just avoid hitting anything.
Practice fl ying directly into the wind, without letting the plane
get off course. Then, turn and come downwind until the plane is
even with you and try it again. When you are comfortable with
fl ying directly into the wind, let the plane go past you before
you start back upwind. Continue this until you can fl y directly
towards you from downwind without getting disoriented. At this
point you can start to establish a landing pattern and bring
the sailplane in for a landing from downwind. This enables the
plane to be fl own as slowly as possible for accurate landings.
Thermal soaring is one of the most intriguing of all aspects of
fl ying and the Sophisticated Lady ARF was designed to excel
at thermal soaring even in the hands of a novice. It can be
hard for the average person to understand how a plane can
fl y for hours and gain altitude without a motor.
Thermals are a natural phenomenon that happens outside,
by the millions, every single day of the year. Thermals are
responsible for many things including forming several types
of clouds, creating breezes and the distributing plant seeds
and pollen. If you have ever seen a dust devil, you have seen
a thermal in action. Their swirling action is very similar to that
of a tornado but of course much gentler. Most thermals have
updrafts rising in the 200'–700' [61– 213.4m] per minute range
but they have been known to produce updrafts of over 5,000’
per minute. The strong updrafts can tear apart a sailplane or
carry the sailplane out of sight before the pilot can get out of
the updraft.
Thermals are formed by the uneven heating of the earth
and buildings, etc. by the sun. The darker colored surfaces
absorb heat faster than the lighter colored surfaces which
refl ect a great deal of the sun’s energy back into space. These
darker areas (plowed fi elds, asphalt parking lots, tar roofs,
etc.) get warmer than the lighter areas (lakes, grassy fi elds,
forests, etc.). This causes the air above the darker areas to
be warmer than the air over the lighter areas and the more
buoyant warm air rises as the cooler, denser air forces its way
underneath the warmer air. As this warm air is forced upward
it contacts the cooler air of the higher altitudes and this large
temperature difference makes the thermal rise quicker. The
thermal is gradually cooled by the surrounding cooler air and