CAMCORP Blower Package with Roots Blower User Manual

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plates to the headplate with capscrews (32) and
lock washers (35).

8. Installation of gear end bearings (14) – Turn the

blower so that the gear end headplates is up. Heat
bearing inner race to 300°F (149°C) in an oven or
hot oil; then slide it onto the shaft so that the
bearing shoulder is snugly against the sleeve.
Insert the bearing outer race and rollers in each
bore and tap lightly into place.

9. Measure and record the end clearance between

the impellers and gear end headplate, then sub-
tract the allowed average gear end clearance. See
Table 6. The result is the space required between
clamping plate (54) and bearing outer race. Place
shims (10) as required to get this clearance. Then
fasten the clamping plates (54) to the headplate
using capscrews (32) and lock washers (35). Do
not install wavy-spring washers (29) at this time,
as a final check of clearances is required first.

10. Final check of end clearances and float – Using

long feeler gauges, check the clearance between
the impellers and drive end headplate. See Table
6. Place the blower assembly on its feet and
correct shimming as required. Then, force the
impellers as close to the gear end headplate as
possible, and check the clearance between
impellers and gear end headplate for agreement
with Table 6. Adjust shimming on the gear end as
required. With unit securely fastened down, use a
dial indicator to measure the impeller float. Again
push the impeller to one end of the cylinder. With
indicator firmly mounted, place contact point on the
end of the shaft just pushed and set dial on zero.
Force the impeller to the opposite end (toward
indicator). Indicator reading will be a measurement
of the impeller float. Repeat process on second
impeller and compare float to Table 6. Adjust
shimming at bearing clamp plates to obtain both
float and end clearances specified in Table 6.

Finally, after clearances and float have been
corrected and checked, remove the gear end
clamping places (54) and install wavy-spring
washers (29) and reinstall shims (10) and clamping
plates (54). Be sure oil feed grooves are up and
toward bearings.

11. Installing drive gear (4) – Be sure shafts and gear

bores are clean and free of scratches. Oil gear nut
threads lightly. Place hardwood wedges as shown
in Figure 8. Install gear (4) and nut (31) so match
mark at the tooth is at the line of engagement.
Tighten the drive gear to the torque given below.
Blower assembly must be fastened down for
torquing operation.

12. Left side discharge machine

Installing driven gear (14) – Insert a long metal
feeler gauge between the impellers’ lobes at the
fronts as shown in Table 6. Feeler gauge thickness
to be a middle value from Table 6 for fronts.

13. Right side discharge machine

Installing driven gear (4) – Insert a long metal
feeler gauge between the impellers’ lobes at the
backs. Feeler gauge thickness to be minimum
value from Table 6 for backs.









Frame Size




404, 406, 409, 412, 418



616, 624













Frame Size




404, 406, 409, 412, 418



616, 624



Align the gear so the tooth match marks agree with
the drive gear, then install slinger (46) and nuts (31).
Tighten lightly with a small wrench, then check front
and back clearances against Table 6 for each 45°
position. Both fronts should be about the same and
backs should about equal and be within the specified
range in Table 6. Adjust gear position if necessary, then
insert the corrected feeler gauge and wedges and use
a torque wrench to tighten the gear nut to the torque
specified above. Remove wedges and rotate the drive
shaft by hand to make sure there are no gear tight
spots or impeller contacts. CAUTION: Keep
fingers away from impeller end gears.

Install gearbox (3) with gasket (7) and tighten the
capscrews (75) evenly to 10 ft.-lbs. (1.3 kg-m).

Install drive end oil slinger (40) and capscrew
(60), apply Locktite to threads and torque to value
specified above.

Install drive end cover (5) and gasket (7) with drive lock
pins (17) in place, being careful not to dent or scratch
drive shaft lip seal surface. Tighten capscrews (75)
evenly. Check seal bore for concentricity with shaft
using an indicator; reposition drive lock pins, if neces-
sary. Install seal (33) with lip facing inward, using care
to avoid tearing or scratching seal on shaft keyway. Use
a pressing tool with clean, square ends to insure cor-
rect positioning of the seal. For hydrodynamic style
seals, the shaft rotation is critical for correct installation
and proper sealing. Match the directional arrow shown
on the seal faces with the required shaft rotation. An
installation protective sleeve is required to protect seal
lip during installation.

Install vent plug (21) in each headplate.

Replace oil drain plugs (22) and refill drive end and
gear sumps with proper grade of oil as discussed

Install drive sheave or coupling half and install blower,
refer to INSTALLATION instructions.