AvMap ULTRA UX0EFS3XAM User Manual

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- User and Installation Manual


Ultra EFIS

User and Installation Manual -



Ultra EFIS

Altitude is shown in number representation as well as on a vertical tape. Underneath the

tape there is a Kollsmann window where the user can adjust the QNH setting.

Note: In the “SETUP” menu select your preference unit for altitude: feet (ft), meter (m).

Side Slip Indicator is shown with a standard ball indicator. The ball centered on the

inner markers corresponds to the aircraft not side slipping.

Heading is shown in degrees with respect to magnetic north or true north. The Ultra

contains an internal world magnetic model that allows it to calculate the local magnetic

deviation and dip. A vertical card compass is also displayed for fast heading reference.

Note: in the “SETUP” menu you can choose reference with respect to magnetic north

or true north.

Course over Ground (COG) is shown on the compass instead of heading in case the

magnetometer is not calibrated or when the magnetometer has an failure. The COG

data is based on GPS source.

Note: If the compass source is GPS, the device shows “COG” aside the compass. If

the compass source is the magnetometer, the device shows “HDG” aside the compass.

Both can be shown in reference to magnetic north or true north.

QNH setting

When the Ultra is in PFD mode the pressure reference for the altimeter can be selected

by pushing the rotation knob.

Select “QNH” to enter the QNH menu.

Select “BARO” to set the standard atmosphere: QNH value is equal to 1013,25 hPa or

29.92 inch of mercury.

Select “MAN” to set manually local air pressure at mean sea level (QNH value).

Aircraft specific V-speed reference values

Set the aircraft specific V-speed values to get the right information on the air speed

ranges bar.

Refer to the aircraft operating manual to find the correct values of your aircraft.

To change V-speed reference values go to the SETUP mode by pressing the rotation

knob for 5 seconds.

Select “SETUP” to enter the setup menu and select “SPEEDS” to enter the V-speed

reference values shown on the bottom of the SETUP mode.

Rotate the rotation knob to change values and push the rotation knob to confirm.

V-speed values


Never to exceed speed


Maximum cruise speed


Stall speed with flaps & landing gear deployed


Maximum flaps extended speed


Stall speed with flaps & landing gear retracted