3 pre take-off, 4 cruise in flight, 5 landing – AvMap GeoPilot Plus User Manual

Page 61

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Press ‘ENT’ to mark each item after checking is completed. If all the items of the list are not

checked upon exit a warning message appears on the screen that states the check-list has not been

completed. Press any key to accept.

11.3 PrE tAKE-oFF

>‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “CHECKLISTS” + ‘ENT’ + “PRE-TAKEOFF” + ‘ENT’

After pressing ‘ENTER’ select each item (Instruments, Fuel Tanks, Prop/Mixture, Fuel Pump, Engine

Gauges, Carb. Heat-Off, Doors/Belts, Flaps/Trim, Transponder, Radios). Press ‘ENT’ to mark each

item after checking is completed. If all the items of the list are not checked upon exit a warning

message appears on the screen that states the check-list has not been completed. Press any key to



>‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “CHECKLISTS” + ‘ENT’ + “CRUISE” + ‘ENT’

After pressing ‘ENTER’ select each item (Power as Required, Carburetor Heat Check, Mixture Lean,

Engine Parameters, Lights as Required, Electrical Load).

Press ‘ENT’ to mark each item after checking is completed. If all the items of the list are not

checked upon exit a warning message appears on the screen that states the check-list has not been

completed. Press any key to accept.


>‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “CHECKLISTS” + ‘ENT’ + “LANDING” + ‘ENT’

After pressing ‘ENTER’ select each item (Mixture, Prop/Mixture, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Pump, Carb. Heat,

Seat Belts, Trim, Flaps, Gear, Lights) .

Press ‘ENT’ to mark each item after checking is completed. If all the items of the list are not

checked upon exit a warning message appears on the screen that states the check-list has not been

completed. Press any key to accept.