4 navigation & location – AvMap GeoPilot Plus User Manual

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The Navigation and Location screen displays a full page of navigation information with location

coordinates. To access from the Main Menu:

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “NAV/LOCATION” + ‘ENT’

Fig. 4 - Nav/Location screen

4.1 NAvIGAtIoN & LoCAtIoN DAtA

The Navigation data displayed in this window is based on the current Flight Plan leg or active

Waypoint. If no Flight Plan is active, only Ground Speed and Track can be displayed. The CDI is

a graphic display of Cross Track Error (XTE). The airplane remains at the center, with the course

line needle moving right and left in relation to the airplane icon. When the line is to the left of the

airplane, you are right off course and must turn left (fly to the line) to close on the course.


Distances are measured horizontally.

If the icon rotates 180° and points toward the bottom of the display, you are moving away from the

destination. The numbers on either side of the CDI represent a full-scale deflection.

To change the CDI scale press the left/right cursor key.

The GEOPILOT references navigation information to the next Waypoint in the active Flight Plan.

When you reach the destination of one leg, the GEOPILOT automatically switches to the next leg.

This leg switching occurs when the airplane crosses the bisector of the legs, as shown in

the diagram. The pilot may choose a different leg (forward of the present location) by using the

Flight Plan menu and activating the leg destination.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “FLIGHT PLAN” + ‘ENT’

Highlight the destination Waypoint of the desired leg and press ‘GOTO’ to activate that leg of the

Flight Plan.