5 the hsi screen – AvMap GeoPilot Plus User Manual
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5 thE hSI SCrEEN
The HSI screen presents the desired course to be flown and the current Track in a graphical format
similar to the Horizontal Situation Indicator of an aircraft; using the compass rose as the center of
the display. From Moving Map:
> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “HSI SCREEN” + ‘ENT’
The HSI calculates user data (current Flight Plan and VNAV calculator data) with GPS data to
provide the visual display of the parameters of flight. While flying with the HSI mode, the Heading
Index and Course Indicator guide you to your destination.
Fig. 5.1 - HSI screen
The Vertical Situation Indicator (VSI) scale is displayed on the left side of the screen, while the
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) scale is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Use the cursor keys
up/down to change VSI scale among 50, 500 and 1000 FT. Use the cursor key left/right to change
CDI scale among 0.1, 0.5, 1, , 5 and 10 NM.
The units of measure are selected from Units Setup in the System Setup Menu, (refer to Chapter
5.2 hSI MENU
When on the HSI screen, pressing ‘MENU’ will access the HSI Menu with the following options:
Add Mark under Fix, Setup Data Fields, Default Data Fields and Compass Orientation.
5.2.1 Add Mark Under Fix
While in HSI mode, it is possible to create a User Mark under the current position fix. From the
HSI screen:
An information box will appear confirming the creation of the User Waypoint and informing of the
default name applied by the software; press ‘ENT’ to accept. To edit this Mark see Par. 8.1.3 and