Specifications – Culligan Silver SeriesTM User Manual
Page 4

Culligan Silver Series
Water Conditioners with Time Clock, Aqua-Sensor
Device or
9” Model
12” Model
Control Valve
5-cycle Reinforced
5-cycle Reinforced
Overall Conditioner Height
51 in. (1,295 mm)
51 in. (1,295 mm)
Media Tank Dimensions (Dia. x Ht.)
9 x 45 in.
12 x 45 in.
229 x 1,143 mm
305 x 1,143 mm
Salt Storage Tank Dimensions
16 x 43 in.
18 x 43 in.
(Dia. x Ht.)
406 x 1,092 mm
457 x 1,092 mm
18 x 43 in.
457 x 1,092 mm
Exchange Media, Type & Quantity
Media, 0.86 ft
Cullex Media, 1.4 ft
Cullex Media, 24.5 L
Cullex Media, 40 L
Underbedding, Type & Quantity
Underbedding, 12 lb.
Cullsan Underbedding, 30 lb.
Cullsan Underbedding, 5.4 kg
Cullsan Underbedding, 14 kg
Exchange Capacity @ Salt
17,500 gr @ 4 lb.
24,100 gr @ 6 lb.
Dosage Per Recharge
1,133 g @ 1.8 kg
1,560 g @ 2.7 kg
23,900 gr @ 8 lb.
34,500 gr @ 12 lb.
1,547 g @3.6 kg
2,234 g @ 5.4 kg
26,600 gr @ 12 lb.
41,900 gr @ 18 lb.
1,722 g @ 5.4 kg
2,713 g @ 8.1 kg
Efficiency rated dosage
4,380 gr/lb (626 g/kg)
4,010 gr/lb (573 g/kg)
Freeboard to Media
16.6 - 17.6 in.
17.5 - 18.5 in.
420 - 447 mm
444 - 470 mm
Freeboard to Underbedding
39.2 in (996 mm)
38.5 in. (978 mm)
Salt Storage Capacity
250 lb. or 375 lb.
375 lb.
114 kg or 170 kg
170 kg
Rated Service Flow @ Pressure Drop
7.5 gpm @ 15 psi
7.7 gpm @ 13 psi
30 Lpm @ 102 kPa
29 Lpm @ 90 kPa
Total Hardness, Maximum
75 gpg (1,283 mg/L)
99 gpg (1,692 mg/L)
Total Iron, Maximum (dissolved)
5 ppm (5 mg/L)
5 ppm (5 mg/L)
Hardness to Iron Ratio, Minimum
8 gpg to 1 ppm
8 gpg to 1 ppm
140 mg/L to 1 mg/L
140 mg/L to 1 mg/L
Operating Pressure
20 - 125 psi (140 - 860 kPa)
20 - 125 psi (140 - 860 kPa)
Operating Temperature
33 - 120°F (1 - 50°C)
33 - 120°F (1 - 50°C)
Electrical Requirements
24V/60 Hz
24V/60 Hz
Electrical Power Consumption, Min./Max. 3 Watts/35 Watts
3 Watts/35 Watts
Drain Flow, Maximum
2.3 gpm (9 Lpm)
3.5 gpm (14 Lpm)
Recharge Time, Average
80 min.
85 min.
Recharge Water Consumption
40 gal. (170L)
82 gal. (325 L)
1 The efficiency rated dosage is only valid at the 4 lb. salt dosage for the 9” model and 6 lb. salt dosage for the 12” model.
2 Measured from top of media to top surface of tank threads (backwashed and drained).
3 Measured from top of underbedding to top of inlet fitting.
4 Backwash at 120 psi (830 kPa).
5 10 minute backwash, 4 lb. (1.8 kg) 9” model or 6 lb. (2.7 kg) 12” model salt dosage.