P. 27 – Acura 2012 RL - Advanced Technology Guide User Manual

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H F L P h o n e b o o k

Press and release the HFL Talk button before you give a command.

1. Say “Phonebook.”

Store up to 50 names and their phone numbers, which can be used as speed dials.

2. Say “Store.”

3. Say the name of the

contact, and then the

phone number.

C e l l u l a r P h o n e b o o k


( m o d e l s w i t h n a v i g a t i o n )

4. To call a contact once an

entry is stored, say “Call


Press and release the Navi Talk button before you give a command.

1. Say “Display Information.”

Say “Cellular Phone.”

Import your entire cell phone’s address book to the navigation system.


not available on all phones

2. Say “Import Cellular


3. HFL begins to import your

contacts to the system.

4. To call a contact, say

“Search Imported

Phonebook” and select

the name and number.

Press and release the Navi Talk button before you give a command.

A C U R A L I N K ® M E S S A G E S

( T e c h / A d v a n c e )

Acura periodically sends you messages on vehicle features, recall and safety

information, maintenance reminders, and diagnostic information. Visit to check if your phone is compatible.

1. When you receive a new

message, an envelope icon

appears on the map screen.

2. Say “Messages,” and a list of

messages appears.

3. Say the number of the

message you want to


V i e w i n g N e w M e s s a g e s

S c h e d u l i n g a D e a l e r A p p o i n t m e n t

1. Using the Interface Dial,

open a maintenance or

product update message.

3. The system searches for the next available

appointment at your registered dealer.

Select “Confirm Appointment” if you are

satisfied with the date.

2. Select “Schedule

Dealer Appt.”

4. Select “OK” to set the appointment.

To use this feature, register at My Acura (, and make sure your

compatible phone is paired (see page 24) and set up for data connection.

NOTE: If you are not satisfied with the available date, use the Call option to call your

dealer directly.



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