Acura 2013 TSX - Advanced Technology Guide User Manual

Page 9

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U s i n g t h e V o i c e C o m m a n d S y s t e m

V o i c e C o m m a n d T i p s

HFL Talk button: Give HFL

commands and answer

incoming calls.

HFL Back button: Cancel a

command and end or decline

a call.

B a s e m o d e l

Pick-Up button: Answer an

incoming call, or go directly to the

Cellular Phone screen.

Talk button: Give HFL, navigation,

audio, climate control, or

AcuraLink commands.

Back button: Cancel a command

and return to the previous screen.

Hang-Up button: End a call or

decline a call.

T e c h n o l o g y P a c k a g e

• To hear a list of available commands at any time, press and release the

Talk button, then say “Help.”

• When using the Talk button, wait for a beep, then say a command.

• When the Talk button is pressed, all available voice commands are

highlighted in blue.

• Speak in a clear, natural voice.

• Reduce all background noise.

• Adjust the dashboard and side vents away from the microphone in the


• Close the windows.

C o m m o n l y U s e d V o i c e C o m m a n d s

Press and release the Talk button before you say a command.

L o o k f o r R e s t a u r a n t s

N e a r Y o u r L o c a t i o n

Say a command like “Display

restaurants” to see restaurant icons

appear on the map.

A d j u s t V e h i c l e ’ s C l i m a t e

S e t t i n g

Say a command like “Air

conditioner on” and “Fan speed 4”

to achieve a comfortable climate


M a k e A u d i o S e l e c t i o n s

Say a command like “Radio 97.1

FM” or “CD play track 5” to select

that station or song.

G e t E s t i m a t e d D i s t a n c e

t o D e s t i n a t i o n

After a destination is entered, say

“How far to destination?” to hear

the remaining distance.

Here are some examples of commonly used voice commands. Try some of these

to familiarize yourself with the voice command system.



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