Acura 2013 TSX - Advanced Technology Guide User Manual

Page 5

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T i r e P r e s s u r e M o n i t o r i n g S y s t e m

Alerts you when one or more of your tires have significantly low pressure.

Toggle to the tire pressure monitor display to view pressure readings on

the MID.

H o w I t W o r k s

If the tire pressure drops significantly below recommended levels:

• The low tire pressure indicator comes on.

• A "CHECK TIRE PRESSURE" message appears on the MID.

• The tire icon(s) showing low pressure blinks.

W h a t t o D o

1. Visually inspect the tires for


2. Use a tire air pressure gauge

(or check the MID) to check

which tire(s) have low pressure.

3. Inflate the tire(s), if necessary,

to the recommended pressures

listed on the label on the

driver’s doorjamb.

C u s t o m i z i n g S e t t i n g s U s i n g t h e M I D

1. Select “CHG SETTING.”

3. Select “AUTO DOOR


4. Select “ALL DOORS with


5. Once the setting has been

saved, select “EXIT.”

Four groups of settings can be programmed using the MID


: Meter Setup, Position

Setup, Lighting Setup, and Door Setup.





Press and hold either INFO

button (▲/▼) to enter

customization mode, then press

SEL/RESET to enter the menu.

M o d i f y i n g t h e A u t o D o o r U n l o c k S e t t i n g


See Customized Settings in your Owner’s Manual for other programmable settings.

2. Select “DOOR SETUP.”

As the default setting, only the driver's door unlocks when you shift to Park.

Follow the steps below to set all doors to unlock when you shift to Park:

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