AAF International Type N RotoClone User Manual

Page 5

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Figure 4. Typical Type N RotoClone with Design “W2” Ejector.
Sizes 1



through 12.

F. Drain Connection
Connect a 2" drain line for Sizes 1



thru 12 or a 4" drain line for

Sizes 16 and larger at point shown on Figure 4.

G.Fan Drain
When fans are mounted on the RotoClone, a drain pipe from the fan
drain should be installed back down through the top of the RotoClone
(a hole is supplied in the top of the RotoClone). An “oversized washer”
should be slipped over the drain pipe and caulked to the RotoClone
roof to close off the annulus formed by the drain pipe and hole in the
roof of the RotoClone.

H. Electrical Connections
Electrical components of the RotoClone are the exhauster motor,
sludge ejector motor, motor starters, solenoid valve, and flow switch.
Each connection is to be made in accordance with the appropriate
wiring schematic enclosed with the RotoClone instruction packet.

1. Exhauster motor—The motor nameplate will show the connection

hookup of the motor leads.

CAUTION: After connecting motor leads, insure that the exhauster
rotates in the proper direction as indicated by the arrow on
exhauster housing.

Fan Outlet

Clean Air Transition

Fill Valve

Water Supply

Collecting Section

Leveling Strip

Hopper Section

Water Level
Control Box

Drain Valve

Lower Ejector
Shaft Mounted

Access Doors

RotoClone Inlet

Design “W”
Sludge Ejector

Paddle Scraper

Take Up Bearings

Standing Level
Overflow Drain

Drain Connection