AAF International PORTA Scrubber User Manual
Page 4

2.0 Principles of Operation
An understanding of the design and operating principle of the
PORTA-Scrubber with chemical media is useful for effective
installation, operation, and maintenance. The system is intended
to remove corrosive and odorous gaseous contaminants from
sewage pumping stations, laboratory vent hoods, and pressure
relief valves of chemical storage tanks.
WARNING: Chemical tank on other high concentration
applications may require constant airflow and other special
operating instructions. Ensure that the design operating
instructions are followed.
The heart of the system is the SAAF chemical media. The
PORTA-Scrubber is a small high density polyethylene (HDPE)
vessel that allows air to move across the chemical media bed in
an upward direction. The method of contaminated removal
is through physical adsorption or a combination of physical
adsorption and chemical reactions, such as oxidation. AAF
offers a variety of impregnated and un-impregnated dry granular
chemical filtration media to handle a wide range of contamination
problems. For more information on AAF’s gas-phase air cleaning
products, contact your AAF representative.
The SAAF PORTA-Scrubber is one of the various systems
designed to support the SAAF chemical media in the air stream
and to allow easy installation, operation, and maintenance of
the system.
CAUTION: All dry chemical media has the potential to
generate a small amount of dust in the exhaust. If your
scrubber will be located indoors without external exhausting,
you will require additional particulate filtration on the exhaust.
Solutions can range from an additional PolyKlean Blue pad
downstream of the media bed to a separate filter box.
3.0 Installation Instructions
Consult the product drawing(s) submitted on this order before
3.1 Space Requirements
A minimum of 24˝ clear space must be available around the
PORTA-Scrubber to perform routine maintenance. Additionally,
it is recommended that 36˝ clear space be available in at least
one direction. Additional space may be required for inlet and
outlet ductwork.
3.2 Foundation, Supports, and Anchoring
The foundation and/or supports must be designed to be
adequate to support the filter system operating weight, and any
seismic, live or other load requirements (if any), with a sufficient
factor of safety as determined to comply with the requirements
of all applicable governing codes, standards, and laws. Ensure
that the foundation or support surface is level and smooth before
proceeding. The filtration system may be designed for operation
in either indoor or outdoor locations. Indoor applications may
require additional particulate filtration. The equipment is not
specifically designed to resist and operate under unusual
dynamic loading situations such as high winds or earthquake
conditions. If the equipment is required to function in such
circumstances special precautions may be required to ensure
that the equipment will remain intact, anchored and functioning.
If this situation applies consult with a qualified professional
engineer before installing the equipment
3.3 Typical PORTA-Scrubber Details
Cast Aluminum
Pressure Blower
Bind Screen
Typical Powered PORTA-Scrubber
Typical Non-Powered PORTA-Scrubber
Wire Outlet Guard
4˝ Exhaust
Steel Latch
4˝ Inlet
4˝ Inlet
1˝ Drain with
PVC Valve
Steel Latch
1˝ Drain with
PVC Valve