Source code – Kofax Ascen 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 User Manual

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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Kofax, Inc.


Source Code

The source code for the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 is provided and

it is located on the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 installation CD. Note

that two source code projects are provided on the installation CD. The release script source code

project can be opened, edited, and compiled in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with Service Pack 6. The

connector, connector interface, and connector interface factory projects can be opened in Microsoft

Visual Studio 2003 SP1.

X To modify the release script


Install the FileNet Content Manager release script. Refer to Installing the Release Script on

page 19 for the installation instructions. When you install the FileNet Content Manager

release script, you will install the required components referenced in the source code.


Open the FileNet Content Manager release script project. Make sure the project references

point to the type library files installed with the release script

(Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterface.tlb and

Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterfaceFactory.tlb). Make any desired modifications, and

compile the FileNet Content Manager source code in Visual Basic.


If Microsoft Visual Basic displays a “Permission denied” error, you must close the

Ascent Capture Administration and Release modules before attempting to compile the

release script source code.


Copy the P8Rel4_v7.dll to the installation directory (for example, C:\Program

Files\Ascent\CAP\P8Rel4_v7). When you are prompted to replace the existing file, select



Register the P8Rel4_v7.dll using the following command line:
regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Ascent\CAP\P8Rel4_v7\P8Rel4_v7.dll”

You will need to repeat this procedure on each Administration and Release workstation that will

be using the FileNet Content Manager release script.


To successfully modify and compile the release script, development must occur on a

workstation with the appropriate versions of Ascent Capture and CAPTools.

Refer to the documentation that came with your FileNet Content Manager product and Visual

Basic documentation for assistance.

X To modify the connector, connector interface, or connector interface factory


Install the FileNet Content Manager release script. Refer to Installing the Release Script on

page 19 for the installation instructions.


Open the solution Connector.sln, which contains the connector, connector interface, and

connector interface factory projects. Make any desired modifications, and rebuild the

solution in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 SP1 under the Release build configuration.


Copy the following files to the installation directory (for example, C:\Program


