12 pattern tools, 13 song tools – Doepfer Schaltwerk (device no longer available) User Manual

Page 24

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Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH - SCHALTWERK Users Manual - Aug. 1997 - Page 24

7.4.12 Pattern tools

The four pattern-bank select buttons are used jointly
with the 32 pattern buttons to select any of the 128
available patterns. (4 × 32 = 128)

Copy and Exchange of Patterns share the same
approach as the Track functions.

Copy Pattern:001

to Pattern:002


with Pattern:002

Init Pattern:001

In addition, it is allowed to

Store Pattern

to Pattern:001

The temporary working memory is stored in one of the
128 non-volatile Pattern memory locations.

Contrary to software version 1.0, the Store
function is now located first in the menu selection,
and is thus immediately available.

In addition to these menu functions, it is also possible
to dump in SysEx format from MIDI out 1, any one of
the four Pattern Banks (1~32, 33~64, 65~96, 97~128),
or any single Pattern.

SysEx Transfer


Where [VALUE] can be any of:

Bank1 ~ Bank4

or pattern number

001 ~ 128

These dumps can be stored with any suitable program,
such as a conventional sequencer program, and
archived for later use.

Should these Dumps be sent back to any MIDI in of the
Schaltwerk at any time, they will be transferred to the
appropriate Pattern memory locations where they will

replace the previous data, as long as no failure occurs
during the transfer.

You should take note that sending back Dumps
of one or several Patterns/Songs into the
Schaltwerk while it is running may strongly affect
its timing accuracy. It is therefore recommended
to stop the sequencer before this operation. In
extreme cases, it is possible that the data
dumped will not be received correctly. This will
be displayed as a failure.

When a faulty transfer occurs, the memory
locations related to the Pattern/Song data just
sent, will always be only partially updated. Be
sure that there are no illegal values lying in the
memory as there could be a mismatch between
old and new Pattern/Song data.

7.4.13 Song tools

All of these functions work similarly to those
available for Patterns, with the difference that there is
a maximum of 16 songs. To select them, there are 2
Song-bank buttons associated to a row of 8 dedicated
Song Select buttons. (2 × 8 = 16)

Store Song

Copy Song:001


SysEx Transfer

Init Song