Doepfer MAQ16/3 Sequencer User Manual

Page 23

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Page 23

External Synchronisation

In order to synchronize the MAQ16/3 with an external MIDI-clock via MIDI-IN, one must turn
the data-entry dial all the way over the maximum (254) or minimum value (50). The display
will then show „EtS“ or „EtC“ .

In case of „EtS“ (external trigger start mode) only an incoming MIDI Start event resets the 3
rows to first step. An incoming MIDI Continue the sequence continues from the last position.

In case of „EtC“ (external trigger continue mode) incoming MIDI Start or Continue resets the
3 rows as well.

When „EtS“ or „EtC“ is selected no longer the internal Clock generator is used but only
incoming MIDI Clock data as timing basis.