Doepfer MAQ16/3 Sequencer User Manual

Page 14

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Page 14

If a dial is turned all the way to the left (i.e. Velocity = 0) no note-instruction is generated,
instead a pause of the corresponding length will result.

(3): Pitch-Bend

Three seperate ranges were set aside for pitch bend: Full range (0...127), positive values
only (64...127) and negative values only (0...64). If the full pitch-range is selected there will
be a plateau around the center position of the dial in order to make it a little easier to find the
neutral pitch-position.

(4): Program-Change

With this instruction it is possible to dynamically switch sounds during a sequence, provided
the expander being used permits this feature. Many expanders have a certain delay time
before a new note-instruction actually starts generating a sound after a program-change-
instruction. With such expanders the program-change event cannot be properly utilized.

(5): Dynamic MIDI-Channel-Switching

With Cn1 the dynamic MIDI-channel-switching (1...16) for row 1 can be assigned to rows 2
or 3. The sequence running in row 1 will then be dynamically distributed onto the MIDI-
channels which have been selected with the dials in row 2 or 3. The MIDI-channel settings
for row 1 (see Menu 2) are then suspended. In order for this function to work properly, an
appropriatenumber of receivers (Expanders) must be available on several MIDI-channels.
MIDI-Multimode-Expanders which can receive on several different channels simultaneously
lend themselves particularly well to this application.

(6): Addition/Transposition

Ad1 permits values entered with the dials in rows 2 and 3 to be added to row 1. For example,
if row 1 provides note-instructions, then this feature would provide an additional transposition
capability. It would permit the alteration of the sequence of row 1, without modifying the
sequence itself. Since rows 2 and 3 and row 1 can run at different speeds it is for example
possible to let the transposition (Rows 2/3) take effect only after each half or fully completed
run of row 1.

(7): Polyphonic Aftertouch

In order to send polyphonic aftertouch (Poly-AT)-instructions, one of the four types of note-
events (nA, nr, PA, Pr) is assigned to row 1 or 2. A second row is then assigned "A.P 1"
(Poly-AT for row 1) or "A P.2" (Poly-AT for row 2). The note-row is then responsible for the
pitch, the AP-row for the poly-pressure values.

The PolyAT-event is very similar to the normal Note-event with velocity. In both cases the
first row is used to set the note-values. The difference lies in the fact that with Note-events
the second row is used to determine velocity, whereas with PolyAT-events the second row is
used to determine pressure-values.