Brookfield CT3 Texture Analyzer User Manual
Page 16
Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 16
Manual No. M08-372-C0113
III.6 Operating Menu
The CT3 Texture Analyzer offers seven test modes, one calibration mode and one parameter selec-
tion table.
Normal – single compression cycle.
Hold Time – compress and hold.
Cycle Count – compress sample several times.
Bloom – compression test measures gelatin bloom strength.
TPA – two cycle Texture Profile Analysis compression test.
Tension – pulls apart a sample using tensile force.
Surimi – single compression cycle, stops automatically after gel breaks.
Static Load – monitors load while hanging weights for calibration.
Global Parameter – allows setting pretest speed, post test speed and temperature units.
Each test mode requires parameters to be set. All test mode selection and parameter setting is done
using the Select/Scroll knob (see figure 1.2). This knob is both rotated and depressed during opera-
: When setting the test speed, pressing the RESET button will toggle the increments from
0.1mm/s to 1mm/s.
The specific parameters required will depend upon the type of test chosen:
Normal Test Requires:
trigger, deformation, speed
Hold Time Test Requires:
hold time, trigger, deformation, speed
Cycle Count Test Requires: cycle count, trigger, deformation, speed
Bloom Test Requires:
All parameters are fixed according to industry standard
TPA Test Requires:
trigger, deformation, speed
Tension Test Requires:
trigger, deformation, speed
Surimi Test Requires:
trigger, correction, speed
Static Load Test Requires: none
Global Paramters:
pretest speed, post test speed, temperature units
These parameters, once set, will be maintained by the CT3 even after power down to facilitate re-
petitive testing. The test mode used prior to powering down will be presented on the screen at the
next power up. A test is started by depressing the start button.
he test parameters are defined as follows:
The load, in grams, measured by the CT3 to indicate that the probe is in contact
with the sample. Once the trigger value is reached, the test will begin at the defined
speed. Brookfield recommends trigger values as specified in Table II.1 Setting
trigger value to zero disables trigger function so test will immediately start
from current position.
The total downward distance the probe will travel once the trigger value is
The speed at which the probe will travel the specified distance.
The number of seconds that the probe will be held at the defined distance during
a Hold Time test.
The number of cycles (Speed and Distance) that will be applied to the sample
during a Cycle Count test.
Specifies the size of the load drop, in grams, that is required to recognize a gel