Xrd9829ref – Canon XRD9829REF User Manual

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Rev. 1.00

15. Pick the black target out from the kit and put it on a flat area. Place the XRD9829REF

on top of the black target with the CIS sensor facing downwards. From the CAPTURE
menu select SNAP SHOT for a single line scan of the black target with the dip
switches set to zero. A typical result of a black target scan is shown below:

Figure 5. Non-calibrated Black Target Scan

16. Set the dip switches to 1000010000 to select the external DC reference for the 1.25V

global offset adjustment. Push the Serial Port button. The XRD9829 will subtract
whatever voltage appears on Pin 16, in this case, 1.25V, from the input. From the
CAPTURE menu select SNAP SHOT. A typical result of the global offset adjustment
is shown below. Please notice that the black code value has moved down.