Hold to engage, Control wheel steering – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D100 Pilots Users Guide User Manual
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Autopilot Operation
EFIS-D100 Pilot’s User Guide
Setting HOLD TO ENGAGE to Y allows you to engage the Autopilot by holding the Disengage/CWS Button for more
than 2 seconds. This allows for a convenient alternative to engaging the Autopilot via the menus and/or AP74 AP button.
Default is N.
When this mode is active, anytime the autopilot is disengaged you can engage it by pressing and holding the
Disengage/CWS Button for more than 2 seconds, then releasing. Note that after 2 seconds, the AP status indicator at
lower left of the EFIS screen shows
. This indicates that the servos are in Control Wheel Steering mode
and are waiting for the button to be released before reengaging.
When set to Y, the BUTTON CONFIG > CTRL WHEEL STEER > ENABLED option enables a secondary mode of the
AP Disengage/CWS Button. This mode allows you to be flying under AP control, press and hold the Disengage/CWS
Button while flying to a new heading and/or altitude, then release the button to reengage the Autopilot. The Autopilot
reengages in the mode set by the MODE parameter, described below. Note that while holding down the button, the AP
status indicator at lower left of the EFIS screen shows
. This indicates that the servos are in Control
Wheel Steering mode and are waiting for the button to be released before reengaging.
When the Control Wheel Steering ENABLED parameter is set to Y, the MODE parameter selects between two different
ways of reengaging the Autopilot after the AP Disengage/CWS Button is released:
Last Heading and/or Altitude (LAST HDG/ALT) - the AP is engaged and returns to the selected Heading and/or
Hold Heading and/or Altitude (HOLD HDG/ALT) - the AP is engaged and changes the selected Heading and/or
Altitude to match the current Heading and/or Altitude.