Pre-select configuration, Pre-select configuration on, Ge 7-14 f – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D100 Pilots Users Guide User Manual
Page 73: Read pre-select configuration, Tton. read pre-select configuration on
Autopilot Operation
EFIS-D100 Pilot’s User Guide
FIRST ACTION mode. A second push of the VALUE knob within 5 seconds after rotating the knob de-activates the
VALUE knob and closes the pop-up window. If there is no further action (either a knob push or knob rotation), the
VALUE knob automatically de-activates (times out) after 5 seconds and closes the pop-up window.
If, after the first push of the VALUE knob, the knob is not rotated, subsequent pushes cycle through the 2
and 3
settings in the rotation, in the order BARO, HDG, ALT,
If REQUIRE PUSH is set to NO:
Rotating the VALUE knob changes the value of the FIRST ACTION mode (ALT, HDG, or BARO) and displays a
pop-up window indicating the current mode and value. Pushing the VALUE knob again within 5 seconds of the last
knob rotation closes the pop-up window.
Pushing the VALUE knob without first rotating it cycles through the remaining modes (not chosen by FIRST
ACTION above). Pushing the VALUE knob cycles through these modes in the order BARO, ALT, HDG,
If there is no further action (either a knob push or knob rotation) within 5 seconds, the pop-up window automatically
In the -BUGS- section of the AP74/76 SETTINGS menu, you can choose when the heading and altitude bugs should be
synchronized to their respective current values:
ON ENGAGE: The HDG and ALT bugs are synchronized to the heading and altitude values each time the AP is
engaged (via the AP button on the AP74 or in the EFIS AP menu). This is the default setting.
ON MODE ARM: The HDG and ALT bugs are synchronized when their respective mode is armed. When the HDG
or TRK buttons are pushed on the AP74, the HDG/TRK bug is synchronized to the current heading. When the ALT
button is pushed on the AP74, the ALT bug is synchronized to the current altitude. When the autopilot is engaged,
the bug settings are not modified. This allows you to enter a desired heading and/or altitude prior to engaging the