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EFIS-D100 Pilot’s User Guide
This section guides you through the indicators and operation of Dynon’s EFIS-based Autopilot (AP) system. This section
assumes that the AP has already been installed, configured, and tuned according to the EFIS-D100 Installation Guide.
Additionally, it assumes that you are already familiar with the operation of the EFIS-D100 menu system, documented
throughout this guide.
Introduction and Resources
Dynon Avionics’ Autopilot (AP) system is a competitively priced product for the Experimental & Light Sport Aircraft
(LSA) aircraft market. Unlike standalone AP systems, Dynon’s AP is an enhancement to the Dynon Avionics EFIS-
D10A, EFIS-D100, and FlightDEK-D180 products (beginning with firmware version 5.0). The Dynon Avionics AP
provides roll (aileron) and/or pitch (elevator) control, leveraging the proven sensors, algorithms, and display systems of
Dynon’s modern EFIS products. Another innovative element of the Dynon Avionics AP is that the servomotors (servos)
responsible for actuating the control surfaces are “smart” devices. Dynon’s servos not only accept commands from the
AP but also report “health,” resistance to commanded movements, motor override (or “slip”), and many other data
elements back to the EFIS. This level of communication between AP control and motors provides the pilot with an
unprecedented degree of awareness of the overall performance of the AP.
Because the Dynon Avionics Autopilot is a new product and we expect that it will be installed in a wide variety of
aircraft, Dynon’s Internet sites provide up-to-date information on installation and operation issues:
documentation contributed by Dynon employees and customers.
installation and operational issues relating to Dynon Avionics products. The Forum is especially useful for pilots with
uncommon aircraft or unusual installation issues. For customers that cannot call Dynon Technical Support during our