Dynon Avionics D1 User Manual
Page 31

D1 Pilot’s User Guide
Attitude Performance
Optimal attitude performance depends on a number of environmental factors:
The attitude indication provided by the D1 is primarily created by combining information from
solid state MEMS-type accelerometers and rotation rate sensors, and supplemented by GPS
ground speed. In order to display as reliable an indication as possible, a GPS fix is required. The D1
will not display attitude until it has obtained a GPS fix. Once a GPS fix is obtained, it is important
that the GPS fix be maintained by either mounting the D1 in a position that affords it a good view
of the sky, or, if that is not possible (such as when using the pinch mount to panel-mount the D1),
using the included external GPS antenna.
Loss of GPS
Lapses in GPS coverage may degrade attitude accuracy, depending on the length of the outage.
During short lapses, the message GPS LOST: CROSS-CHECK HORIZON will appear at the bottom of
the display to indicate that the D1’s attitude indication may be degraded and should be
interpreted cautiously. Additionally, the indications that rely solely on GPS will be replaced with
red Xs. If the GPS signal is lost for a more substantial amount of time, the D1’s attitude will also be
replaced by a red X to indicate the D1’s inability to determine attitude.