Performing a test – Dillon GTS-1000 User Manual
Page 14

Force testing is fairly easy and consistent with a little experience. It generally consists
a) Attach the appropriate testing fixtures to the gauge.
b) Attach the appropriate testing fixtures to the base.
c) Ensure fixtures are in alignment.
Position lower travel limit switch so fixtures cannot contact each other.
Start software package such as Q-Graph or Q-Data.
f) Secure your sample to the fixture on the gauge.
g) Zero and reset the force gauge peaks.
h) Lower the crosshead and secure sample to the lower fixture.
i) Add barrier if projectile pieces may fly.
j) Reposition lower travel limit at convenient test starting point.
k) Note the starting crosshead measurement on the ruler.
l) Adjust test speed.
m) Check manual or auto-reverse mode.
n) Start test with × or Ø key.
o) Note crosshead measurement at point of interest.
p) Save/print Q-Graph report or send peak gauge reading to Q-Data.
q) Crosshead Return for new sample – start again at step f.
Some steps are optional depending upon test type and the information being sought.
Most force gauges will retain the peak force for the test, which is generally considered
strength or effort to break the item.
The GTX Series break detection function will send a stop /reverse signal to the stand
upon sample break detection. Requires a cable connection between the GTX and GTS-
1000. Be certain to press RESET after each test to clear the peak values and ready the
gauge for the next test.