Chapter 3 - management - vt-100, 1 the cim management screen, Chapter 3 management - vt-100 – CANOGA PERKINS 1202 Chassis Interconnect Module User Manual

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EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System

Model 1202 CIM User Manual


Chapter 3
Management - VT-100

To connect to and manage the CIM, use either the serial or Ethernet port on an optional DMM
and an application such as HyperTerminal. For details about accessing the DMM and using the
management software, see the User Manual for the 1500 or 1502 Domain Management Module
for your system.


The CIM Management Screen

If the domain includes an optional DMM, you can access the CIM Management screen to view
the current status of the chassis. The CIM Management screen reports status and alarm
conditions that help verify the cause, source, and current condition of an alarm. Figure 3 shows
the CIM Management screen and Table 2 describes the fields.

CIM : 2

Chassis Type: 2U Chassis CIM Status Online
Redundant Power: Yes
Primary Power Type: DC isolated CIM clock: Good
Primary Power Status: Good CIM Providing Clock: Enabled
Secondary Power Type: DC isolated CIM Interlink Clock: N/A
Secondary Power Status: Good Alarm Relay Status: Major
Fan Installed: Yes Alarm Latch Status: Major
Fan Status: Good Backplane Alarm Inputs: Off
Up Link Installed: No CIM Major Alarm: Off
Down Link Installed: No CIM Minor Alarm: Off
CIM Model: 1202-2000 Chassis Temperature: OK
CIM Firmware: 3.5
CIM Serial Number: 20011195838
CIM Hardware Version: A2A

1. Reset Major and Minor Alarm Relay

Figure 3. CIM Management Screen

Table 2. CIM Management Status Definitions

Field Definition

CIM Status

Shows if this CIM is online or offline

CIM clock

Lists status for the clock signal on this CIM; either good or failed

CIM Providing Clock

Enabled shows that this CIM provides the clock signal or Disabled
shows that another CIM provides the clock signal

CIM Interlink Clock

Lists status for the clock signal on the link; either good or failed

Alarm Relay Status

Shows an alarm condition, Major or Minor, in this chassis or a linked

Alarm Latch Status

Shows a latched alarm relay, Major or Minor, in this chassis