BendixKing KAC 503 - Supplemental System FIS User Manual
Page 13
AMD indicates an amended report. Reports can be amended due to
changing weather conditions or issuance/cancelation of a SIGMET.
COR in this field would indicate a corrected AIRMET. RTD indicates a
delayed AIRMET.
This line indicates that there is a second (2) update (UPDT) to this
AIRMET issued for turbulence (FOR TURB). More than one meteoro-
logical condition may be addressed as shown in the following:
FOR IFR AND MTN (mountain) OBSCN (obscuration)
FOR ICE AND FRZLVL (freezing level)
FOR STG (strong) SFC (surface) WINDS AND LLWS (low level
wind shear)
This updated AIRMET is valid until 0100 UTC on the 16th day (16) of
the month. An AIRMET does not contain an explicit validity start time.
This AIRMET forecasts turbulence (TURB) for the states of KS
(Kansas) and MO (Missouri). Geographic areas are also covered such
as CSTL WTRS (coastal waters). Other geographic abbreviations are
used as well (see Appendix A).
The affected area is defined by lines FROM MCI (Kansas City) TO STL
(St. Louis) TO SGF (Springfield) TO ICT (Wichita) and back TO MCI.
Areas can be defined by lines between points which are airport or
navaid identifiers.
Moderate (MOD) turbulence (TURB) below (BLW) 10,000 feet
expected (EXPCD).
10. Conditions (CONDS) improving (IPVG) after (AFT) the 16th day (16) of
the month 0000 UTC.
If conditions end more than one hour prior to the indicated expiration time,
an amended AIRMET will be issued stating it’s cancellation. If conditions
end within one hour of the indicated expiration time, the AIRMET will be
allowed to expire without cancellation.
Rev 1 Oct. 2003