Troubleshooting – Kidde 4618 User Manual
Page 11
Smoke alarm does not
1. Check that AC power
sound when tested.
is turned on.
2. Turn off power. Remove smoke
alarm from mounting plate and:
a. check that connector plug is
securely attached.
b. check that battery is proper-
ly attached to connector.
3. Clean smoke alarm.
The horn makes 2 quiet
1. The alarm is operating
beeps and one loud beep
correctly. Item 4718 has a
when tested.
ramp-up test horn feature. This
allows you to release the test
button before the alarm emits
the loud beeps.
Smoke alarm beeps about
1. Turn off power and replace
once a minute.
battery. (See “Battery
Replacement” in the
CLEANING” section.)
2. On Item 4718 only. Be sure red
LED is extinguished after
replacing battery.
Smoke alarm sounds
1. Hire an electrician to
unwanted alarms inter-
move smoke alarm to
mittently or when
a new location. See
residents are cooking,
taking showers, etc.
2. Clean smoke alarm.
See “Cleaning” in the
CLEANING” section.
Interconnected smoke
1. Press and hold test
alarms do not sound when
button for at least
system is tested.
three seconds after
the first unit sounds.
DO NOT disconnect battery or AC
power to quiet an unwanted alarm.
This will remove your protection. Fan
the air or open a window to remove
smoke or dust.
NOTE: Push test button for
at least five (5) seconds
while testing!
Always turn off power at main fuse box
or circuit breaker before taking trouble-
shooting action.
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