Cybex MY.GO User Manual
Page 18

22. For using the integrated headrest simply coast it and fix both side parts to the buckles on the shoulder
straps. If use in back carrying position please fix the headrest before you put on the carrier.
The following warranty applies solely in the country where this product was first sold by a retailer to a
customer. the warranty covers all manufacturing and material defects, existing and appearing at the
date of purchase or appearing within a term of two (2) years from the date of purchase from the retailer
who first sold the product to a consumer (manufacturer’s warranty). In the event that a manufacturing or
material defect should appear, we will – at our own discretion – either repair the product free of charge
or replace it with a new product. to invoke the warranty the product must be taken or shipped to the
retailer, who first sold this product to a customer together with the original proof of purchase (sales receipt
or invoice) containing the date of purchase, the name of the retailer and the product designation. this
warranty shall not apply in the event that this product is taken or shipped to the manufacturer or any
person other than the retailer who first sold this product to a consumer. Please check the product with
respect to completeness and manufacturing or material defects immediately at the date of purchase
or, in the event that the product was purchased in distance selling, immediately on receipt. in case of a
defect stop using the product and take or ship it immediately to the retailer who first sold it. In a warranty
case the product has to be returned in a clean and complete condition. Prior to contacting the retailer,
please read this instruction manual carefully. this warranty does not cover any damages caused by
misuse, environmental influence (water, fire, road accidents etc.) or normal wear and tear. It only applies
if the product was always used and handled in compliance with the operating instructions, if any and
all modifications and services were performed by authorized persons and if original components and
accessories were used. this warranty does not exclude, limit or otherwise affect any statutory consumer
rights, including claims in tort and claims with respect to a breach of contract, which the buyer may have
against the seller or the manufacturer of the product.
HoW to UsE tHE IntEGRatED HEaDREst:
20. Lift your baby onto your right arm, then place your left hand on your back and take hold of your baby ́s
left foot and then shift your baby into the carrier. to do so, bend forward slightly and hold and support
your baby at all times. as soon as your baby is sitting safely, slip on the right shoulder strap.
21. Close the sternum strap at the height of your chest and if necessary adjust the width.
PleaSe enSURe that YoUR Child’S BaCk iS SliGhtlY RoUnded while SittinG in the
CaRRieR and do not, theRefoRe, faSten the ShoUldeR StRaPS too tiGhtlY.