Cybex MY.GO User Manual
Page 17

6. Close the waist belt as described under “Preparation” and push the waist belt buckle around your
back. Pre adjust the length of the shoulder straps and leave the back section of the carrier hanging
7. lift your child and hold him with legs spread in front of your belly.
8. now use one hand to pull the back section of the carrier across and up your child’s back whilst
supporting your child with the other hand.
9. let your child slide all the way down into the CYBex my.Go until there is no space between your
baby’s bottom and the carrier fabric.
10. now slip your arms through the closed shoulder straps one after the other, whilst always supporting
your child with your free hand.
12. Pull the short ends of the shoulder straps only until your child is positioned close to your body.
11. fasten the connector belt behind your neck.
FRont PosItIon FaCInG PaREnt WItHoUt InFant InsERt
(6 KG – aPPRoX. 12 KG):
5. Now hold your child upright in the carrier. Your baby ́s feet should remain tucked up in the carrier in
the required “spread-squat position”.
Continue as described under Point 10.
the BUCkle mUSt alwaYS Be fed thRoUGh the elaStiC SafetY looP and Be
PoSitioned on the Padded BaSe.
13. fasten the waist belt as described under “Preparation” and let the back section of the carrier hang
down in front of you.
14. if you want to carry your child on your left hip, enlarge the right shoulder strap and shorten the left
one. for carrying on your right hip please do vice versa. Close the sternum strap
HIP PosItIon (6 KG – aPPRoX. 12 KG):
15. now slip hrough the shoulder straps with both arms.
16. move the carrier to your left ( right ) hip
17. let your baby slide from the top all the way down into the carrier. ensure your child is placed in the
middle of the carrier right on your hip.
18. adjust the shoulder straps by pulling its short ends only until your child is positioned tightly to your
the BUCkle mUSt alwaYS Be fed thRoUGh the elaStiC SafetY looP and mUSt Be
PoSitioned on the Padded BaSe.
19. Put on the waist belt as described under “Preparation”. Push the baby carrier onto your back. Slide
your left arm through the left shoulder strap.
this carrying position should only be used when your baby is able to support its own head safely.
BaCK PosItIon (8 KG – 20 KG):
all BUCkleS mUSt alwaYS Be fed thRoUGh the elaStiC SafetY looPS and Be
PoSitioned on the Padded BaSe.