Pigtronix Envelope Phaser II User Manual
Page 8

8. Adjust the SPEED control to get a feel for the range of this knob.
Notice that when you turn the SPEED dial all the way down (fully
counter-clockwise), the LFO will come to a full stop. Leave the SPEED
control at 12:00 as we move on.
9. Turn the RESONANCE control down all the way. Notice how the rotary
sound becomes much smoother as the resonance is decreased.
Explore the range of this control and then bring the RESOANCE dial
back to 3:00. Turn on the LFO SMOOTH toggle switch. Notice how this
sounds the same as turning the RESONANCE knob all the way down.
Since most players prefer the creamy, low resonance setting for the
LFO mode and a more spiky, high resonance setting in the EF mode,
this switch allows the LFO mode to be automatically set to the ideal
tone. The LFO SMOOTH switch has no effect on the RESONANCE
setting in the EF mode. Turn the LFO SMOOTH switch off and set the
RESONANCE control to 12:00 as we move on.
10. Turn the DEPTH control down to 12:00. Now explore the range of the
CENTER control. When the DEPTH control is up all the way, the CENTER
control has no effect on the sound because the phaser is sweeping
the full range that is possible with this device. As you decrease the
DEPTH setting, the CENTER control comes into play, adjusting the
frequency of the phaser sweep up or down. The interplay between
the DEPTH and CENTER controls is crucial for dialing in the exact rotary
tone to suit your instrument and amp rig. Put the DEPTH and CENTER
controls at 12:00 as we move on.
11. Check out both the + and – setting of the INVERT switch in LFO mode.
12. Turn the BLEND toggle switch to the ON position. Both the EF and LFO
lights should be lit. In BLEND mode, the DEPTH control will act as a
BLEND knob that mixes between EF and LFO modulation of the Phaser.
Turning the DEPTH knob counter-clockwise will introduce more EF
modulation and turning the DEPTH knob clockwise will introduce more
LFO modulation. In the BLEND mode, you can use all of the controls to
conjure some far out tones and uniquely expressive textures that are
unmatched by any other pedal. Notice that the CENTER control is
disabled in the BLEND mode.
13. Push the left footswitch to bring you back to pure EF mode.
14. ENJOY!!!