Pro-Link Lithofin MN Care Sheen 120064 User Manual
Lithofin mn care-sheen

Material Safety Data Sheet
Printed: 10.01.2005
Revised: 10.01.2005
Lithofin MN Care-Sheen
1 Identification of substance:
Product details:
Trade name: Lithofin MN Care-Sheen
GranQuartz, L. P.
P.O. Box 2206
Tucker, GA 30085-2206/USA
Information Department:
see above
Emergency Information:
information department
24-Hour Emergency Telephone Number:
1-800-255-3924 (USA & Canada) or 813-248-0585
2 Composition/Data on components:
Chemical characterization
Description: Wax based care emulsion
Dangerous components:
67-63-0 propan-2-ol
< 2.5 %
RTECS: NT 8050000
All ingredients are listed.
3 Hazards identification
Hazard description: not applicable
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment
not applicable
Classification system
The classification is in line with internationally approved calculation standards. It is expanded,
however, by information from technical literature and by information furnished by supplier companies.
NFPA ratings (scale 0-4)
Health = 0
Fire = 0
Reactivity = 0
4 First aid measures
General information
Immediately remove any clothing soiled by the product.
After inhalation Supply fresh air.
After skin contact Wash with water and soap.
After eye contact
Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water.
If symptoms persist consult a doctor.
After swallowing
Do not induce vomiting
Drink plenty of water, but never give anything to an unconscious person.
Seek medical treatment.
Information for doctor
Treatment Symptomatic treatment