Pro-Link Lithofin KF Cement Residue Remover 120014 User Manual
Lithofin kf cement residue remover

Material Safety Data Sheet
Printed: 08.11.2004
Revised: 03.11.2004
Lithofin KF Cement Residue Remover
1 Identification of substance:
Product details:
Trade name: Lithofin KF Cement Residue Remover
Application of the substance / the preparation Cleaning agent/ Cleaner
GranQuartz, L. P.
P.O. Box 2206
Tucker, GA 30085-2206/USA
Information Department:
see above
Emergency Information:
information department
24-Hour Emergency Telephone Number:
1-800-255-3924 (USA & Canada) or 813-248-0585
2 Composition/Data on components:
Chemical characterization
Mixture of the substances listed below with non hazardous additions.
Dangerous components:
7664-38-2 phosphoric acid 10-25 %
RTECS: TB 6300000
164-18-6 formic acid
< 2.5 %
RTECS: LQ 4900000
110-65-6 but-2-yne-1,4-diol
< 2.5 %
RTECS: ES 0525000
Additional information
For the wording of the listed risk phrases refer to section 16.
7732-18-5 water, distilled, conductivity or of similar purity
7664-38-2 phosphoric acid
164-18-6 formic acid
110-65-6 but-2-yne-1,4-diol
3 Hazards identification
Hazard description: Irritant
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment
Irritating to eyes and skin.
Classification system
The classification is in line with internationally approved calculation standards. It is expanded,
however, by information from technical literature and by information furnished by supplier companies.
NFPA ratings (scale 0-4)
Health = 1
Fire = 0
Reactivity = 0
Special: Acid
Additional information: