Zigen CX-100 User Manual

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Items integrated into ZIGEN products that are made by other manufacturers,

notably computer hard drives and liquid crystal display panels, are limited to

the term of the warranty offered by the respective manufacturers. Such

specific warranties are available upon request to ZIGEN.

ZIGEN makes no other representation of warranty as to fitness for the

purpose or merchantability or otherwise in respect of any of the products sold.

The liability of ZIGEN with respect to any defective products will be limited to

the repair or replacement of such products. In no event shall ZIGEN be

responsible or liable for any damage arising from the use of such defective


’s whether such damages be direct, indirect, consequential or

otherwise, and whether such damages are incurred by the reseller, end-user

or any third party.

The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to

be accurate. However, ZIGEN assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies

that may be contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such

damages. The technical information contained herein regarding the features

and specifications is subject to change without notice.