Guarantee – Campbell Hausfeld SDM-CAN User Manual
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This equipment is guaranteed against defects in materials and
workmanship. This guarantee applies for twelve months from date of
delivery. We will repair or replace products which prove to be defective
during the guarantee period provided they are returned to us prepaid. The
guarantee will not apply to:
Equipment which has been modified or altered in any way without the
written permission of Campbell Scientific
Any product which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, acts of God
or damage in transit.
Campbell Scientific will return guaranteed equipment by surface carrier
prepaid. Campbell Scientific will not reimburse the claimant for costs
incurred in removing and/or reinstalling equipment. This guarantee and
the Company’s obligation thereunder is in lieu of all other guarantees,
expressed or implied, including those of suitability and fitness for a
particular purpose. Campbell Scientific is not liable for consequential
Please inform us before returning equipment and obtain a Repair Refer-
ence Number whether the repair is under guarantee or not. Please state the
faults as clearly as possible, and if the product is out of the guarantee
period it should be accompanied by a purchase order. Quotations for re-
pairs can be given on request.
When returning equipment, the Repair Reference Number must be clearly
marked on the outside of the package.
Note that goods sent air freight are subject to Customs clearance fees
which Campbell Scientific will charge to customers. In many cases, these
charges are greater than the cost of the repair.
Campbell Scientific Ltd,
Campbell Park, 80 Hathern Road,
Shepshed, Loughborough, LE12 9GX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1509 601141
Fax: +44 (0) 1509 601091
Email: [email protected]