Hit Products Pro-Two User Manual
Page 17

For calculating the calendar for “Run” Times over 24 hours. This example is for 56 hours
Run Time per Program.
Example: If a start time is 8:00 am, then the first calculation would be 8 hours plus a
total run time of 56 hours for a grand total of 64 hours, divided by 24 hours would equal
a 2.67 day calendar, the display would show a 3 day calendar, as follows, day 1 STRT,
day 2 RUN and day 3 RUN. If you wanted to irrigate every 4th day, use set 2 to expand
the calendar from 3 days to 4 days, day 4 would show OFF.
Position 7
Looping Program No. 6
Any valve run times and start times set in program 6 can be looped if desired.
There must be individual run times for each desired valve and one start time in program
6 for looping to be activated. Use set 3 and set 4 to establish the total amount of loop
time desired. Use set 2 to turn looping feature ON or OFF.
Hints for using Looping:
Hints for using Looping:
Looping will run a program continuously for the amount of
time set in position 7 looping. For example: If looping is set for 6 hours and the start time
is 8:00 am, program 6 will start at 8:00 am and run for 6 hours. A new lawn can be irri-
gated for 5 minutes every hour by doing the following. Valves 1, 2 and 3 operate the new
lawn, set run times for 5 minutes each on valves 1, 2 and 3, then go to a valve that is
not being used and set run time for 45 minutes. You want to irrigate from 10 am until
5 pm. Set start time for program 6 at 10:00 am and go to position 7, set loop for 7 hours
and turn looping ON.
The program will start at 10 am and run valve 1 for 5 minutes, then valve 2 for 5 minutes
and then valve 3 for 5 minutes and then the valve that is not being used for 45 minutes
and then back to valve 1 and so on until 7 hours runs out, which will be 5:00 PM.
Caution! If operating with a pump, the 45 minutes will cause “Dead Heading” on
Caution! If operating with a pump, the 45 minutes will cause “Dead Heading” on
the pump and may damage the pump or pipelines
the pump and may damage the pump or pipelines
Looping Program No. 6