Bradford White D-4-504S6FSX User Manual
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combustion chamber, the vapors are harmlessly ignited by the burner. If flammable vapors are
in sufficient quantity to prevent normal combustion, the flammable vapor sensor recognizes this
and shuts down the pilot and main burner. Should the flammable vapors continue to burn, the
flame arrestor prevents the flames from traveling backwards and igniting vapors outside of the
combustion chamber. And, the resettable thermal switch will open and shut down the pilot and
main burner.
How to Use this Manual
It is intended for this manual to be used by qualified service personnel for the primary purpose
of troubleshooting and repair of the Bradford White Residential Flue Damper water heaters.
Understanding the sequence of operation section of this manual will contribute greatly to trou-
bleshooting the water heater.
The Honeywell WV4460E Electronic Gas Control will display error codes in the event of ab-
normal operation. Error codes are listed in the troubleshooting chart beginning on page 13 of
this service manual. The troubleshooting chart will also indicate the probable cause for the error
code and direct the service professional to a service procedure to properly diagnose the abnor-
mal operation.
Contact the Bradford White technical support group immediately if diagnosis cannot be made
using the methods described in this service manual.
Tools Required for Service
Manometer: A liquid “U” tube type or a digital (magna-helic) type can be used. This device is
used to measure gas and/or air pressure and vacuum.
Multi-Meter: A digital type is strongly recommended. This device is used to measure electrical
values. The meter you select must have the capability to measure volts AC, volts DC, amps,
micro-amps and ohms.
Electronic Probes: In some cases, standard multi-meter probes will damage or simply not be
effective to obtain certain voltage and ohm reading. It will be necessary to have special elec-
tronic “pin” type multi-meter probes. These probes are available at most electronic wholesale
Thermometer: Used to measure water temperature. An accurate thermometer is recommended.
Water Pressure Gage: Used to measure water supply pressure. Also used to determine tank
pressure by adapting to the drain valve of the heater.
Gas Control Service Tool: BWC part number 239-45991-00. A specialized tool designed to
remove the gas control from gas control thermal well. Available from your Bradford White
parts supplier.
Various Hand Tools: Pipe wrench, channel locks, open end wrenches (3/8", 7/16", 1/2"), 12"
crescent wrench, Allen wrench set, screw drivers (common & Phillips), 1/4" nut driver, pliers
(common & needle nose), socket set, side cutters, wire cutters, wire strippers, wire crimpers,
torpedo level, small shop vac, step ladder, flashlight, and 5 gallon pail.
How to Use this Manual