Auralex Cloud Anchor v4 User Manual
Cloud anchor installation guide, Cloud anchor fiberglass panel

Cloud Anchor Installation Guide
1-800-959-3343 / 317-842-2600
9955 Westpoint Drive, Suite 101, Indianapolis IN USA 46256
1075-913.Cloud Mounting Instruction Guide.indd (03/19/2014 - 3:08 PM)
1. Place the ProPanels on a clean flat surface, back side up.
2. Review the table below and illustrations for Cloud Anchor placement. Do not install fewer Cloud Anchors than suggested. All Cloud
Anchors should be 6” from the ProPanel edge and should only be used on 2” thick ProPanels, 40 sq/ft in area or less.
Panel Area
Number of Cloud Anchors
16 square feet
Greater than 16 sq/ft up to 32 sq/ft
Greater than 32 sq/ft up to 40 sq/ft
3. Measure and mark the location of each Cloud Anchor on the rear surface of the panel that has exposed fiberglass (see guide lines in the
illustrations below).
4. Press the Cloud Anchor firmly into the marked location and twist clockwise until the top disc of the anchor is flat to the back of the panel.
Do not turn the
Cloud Anchor so the washer goes into the fiberglass, or you will risk pushing it through the panel.
5. Attach panel to preferred ceiling hardware (user supplied) using Cloud Anchor eye-hook.
Use 4) Cloud Anchors for panels
up to 16 sq/ft in area.
Use 6) Cloud Anchors for panels
greater than 16 sq/ft in area and
up to 32 sq/ft in area.
Use 6) Cloud Anchors for panels
greater than 16 sq/ft in area and
to up to 32 sq/ft in area.
Use 8) Cloud Anchors for panels
greater than 32 sq/ft in area and
up to 40 sq/ft in area.
Space the
Cloud Anchors
Space the
Cloud Anchors
Cloud Anchor
Fiberglass Panel
For detail on handling Auralex ProPanels, refer to the
ProPanel Installation Guide included with your ProPanels.