Stereo input channel 2, Usb & 2 track – Allen&Heath ZED POWER User Manual
Page 22
Allen & Heath 22
ST-2 Input
The USB audio input is connected through the break
contacts of the standard 1/4” (6.25mm) jack sockets.
Plugging into the jacks will override the USB input,
so if you want to use the ST-2 channel for the USB
input signal, make sure nothing is plugged into the
jack sockets.
The rest of the features of the ST-2 channel are as
described for ST-1.
Important Note:
If the ST-2 channel is not being used for USB play-
back or stereo input it is best to keep the level con-
trols turned down so that unwanted noise from the
inactive USB device is not passed to the mix.
2 Track Input
Standard 1/4” (6.25mm) jack sockets for unbalanced
line level inputs. Can be used for additional stereo
sources such as CD players for background music,
or playing back a final mix from a recording device.
The USB audio input is connected through the break
contacts of these inputs, plugging into the jack sock-
ets overrides the USB input.
USB Out Source selector switches
Select the signal source for the USB audio output
and the Record output. With both switches up the
main Mix is selected. The Record Bus switch will
override the Aux-FX switch if both are pressed.
Record OUT
Standard RCA phono sockets for the stereo line level
Record outputs sourced from the USB Out selector
switches. Useful for connecting to stereo recording
devices, stereo mix feeds, or where selective chan-
nels are required to feed other equipment.