2 system hard reset – Allen&Heath Qu-32 User Manual
Page 68

Qu Mixer User Guide
AP9372 iss.5
System Hard Reset
A power up reset is available if you need to fully reset
the Qu mixer settings and memories. This could be
done to clear the system out before sending the mixer
to a client, or if you suspect a system problem.
To reset mix parameters before starting a show or
sound check, use a Scene or the Reset Mix Setting
function described earlier in this guide.
– A hard reset clears all current settings, all
Scenes, User Libraries and User Permissions.
First turn off the system including amplifiers and
powered speakers.
hard reset
the Qu mixer - Press and hold the
touch screen Reset and Setup keys together and then
power up the mixer. Keep the keys pressed for at least
5 seconds while the mixer boots. Release the keys.
The hard reset:
Resets the current settings the same as using the
Scenes screen ‘Reset Mix Settings’ button.
Resets non-scene parameters and user
preferences to a factory default.
Clears scene recall Safes and Filters.
Clears all memories including Scenes, User
Libraries and User Permissions.
Resets the Network IP address and the touch
screen calibration.
System hard reset:
‘Reset Mix Settings’ default as above
Input PAFL = PFL, mix = AFL
PAFL additive mode off
Sel follow PAFL on, LR to PAFL on
PAFL trim 0dB, delay 0ms
Talkback mic gain 27dB
Sig Gen Pink Noise, unassigned
Clears all scene Safes
Clears all Scene memories
Clears all Scene Filters
Clears all User Libraries
Resets all User Permissions
Resets Network address to DHCP
Resets touch screen calibration
Hold for 5 seconds
while powering up
the mixer