Usb audio patch, 14 output patch setup – usb audio – Allen&Heath Qu-32 User Manual
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Qu Mixer User Guide
AP9372 iss.5
Output Patch Setup – USB Audio
This screen presents the patching of the USB audio
outputs. This includes the Qu-Drive Stereo, Qu-Drive
Multitrack and the USB B audio streaming.
- The Qu-16 provides 24 patchable USB outputs.
The Qu-24 and Qu-32 provide 32 USB outputs.
Qu-Drive and USB B streaming share the same block
of patchable tracks:
Qu-Drive Stereo = Track 17-18
Qu-Drive Multitrack = Track 1-18
USB B Streaming = Track 1-32 (Qu-16 has 24)
There are two screens:
Track 1-18 = Tracks associated with Qu-Drive
Track 19-32 = The rest of the tracks for USB B
Touch the lower left ’19-32’ or ‘1-18’ buttons to
navigate between the screens
Touch a button and then turn the screen Rotary to
scroll through the available output sources.
Use the
key ‘+1’ function to quickly assign strips in
Once you have chosen the outputs press
accept or
to discard the changes.
CH/ST/Grp source button
Set this to Insert Sends if you do not want the input
channel and group USB sends to be affected by the
mixer processing (EQ, Comp, Gate, Delay). This sends
the raw Preamp and unprocessed Group signals to the
USB stream and is the typical setting for live recording.
Set this to Direct Outs if you want the input channel
USB sends to follow the channel global Direct Output
option. It also sets the Group sends to be post-
processing and post-fader. This is the typical setting
for studio recording (working with a DAW).
– The global Direct Output option affects all
inputs and is set in the channel
Output sources are post processing, post fader.
The USB Audio factory reset default patching varies
according to Qu model. All ensure that tracks 17-18 =
LR post-fader for Qu-Drive stereo recording. The
patching can be changed here to suit your
– Set the USB Audio Patching before using Qu-
Drive or USB streaming.
The following sources can be patched:
X Unassigned
Mono channel (Insert or Direct Out)
Stereo channel (Insert or Direct Out)
FX Ret
FX returns 1-4 pre-fader
Group (Insert or post-fader)
Mix 1-10 post-fader
LR pre
Main LR mix – pre-fader
LR post
Main LR mix – post-fader
L+R pre Main LR mono sum – pre-fader
Matrix post-fader
Stereo PAFL monitor